Acts 11:19-30 recounts an important event in the early Christian community. Here’s a summary:

In this passage, we learn that some believers who were scattered due to persecution after the death of Stephen traveled to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. As they went, they preached the message of Jesus Christ to both Jews and Gentiles. The Lord’s hand was with them, and many people turned to the Lord.

News of this reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch. When Barnabas arrived and saw the grace of God at work, he encouraged the believers to remain faithful. He also went to Tarsus to find Saul (who would later be known as the apostle Paul) and brought him back to Antioch.

For a whole year, Barnabas and Saul taught the church in Antioch, and it was there that the disciples were first called “Christians.” During this time, a prophet named Agabus predicted a severe famine that would affect the entire Roman world. In response, the disciples in Antioch decided to send relief to their brothers and sisters in Judea.

They collected funds and entrusted them to Barnabas and Saul, who delivered the gift to the elders in Jerusalem. This act of generosity and unity demonstrated the love and care among believers across different regions.

Overall, Acts 11:19-30 emphasizes the spread of the gospel, the inclusion of Gentiles, and the importance of supporting fellow believers during times of need. It highlights the early Christian community’s commitment to sharing the good news and caring for one another. 😊

Author: Humility is Beautiful... (Kevin Schafer)

I just want to be surrounded with people who make being a good person their top priority...

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